
The Feldheim lab is looking for a Post-doc to join the team.


The Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology ( at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) invites applications for a postdoctoral scholar who will work under the direction of Professor David Feldheim. The postdoctoral scholar will participate in research in neuroscience with a central role in the lab’s goal of understanding how auditory information is processed by the brain to create maps of auditory space and how auditory and visual input are integrated. The successful candidate will record the electrical activity of a large population of neurons in the brain in mice in response to a wide variety of auditory and multisensory stimuli and will use optogenetics to determine the function of auditory brain areas. 


The preferred candidate will have strong computational, software and data analysis skills; experience in instrumentation development; previous experience with Neurobiology experiments; and a track record of successful publications.

Applicants with expertise in neuropixel recordings particularly valued and are strongly encouraged to apply.


Postdoctoral Scholar


Commensurate with qualifications and experience. The posted UCSC salary scales set the minimum pay based on the individual’s Experience Level, which is determined by the number of months of postdoctoral service at any institution. See the salary scale titled, Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee /Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellow / Postdoctoral Scholar-Paid Direct -Fiscal Year. A reasonable estimate for this position is $66,737-$77,179.



Ph.D. (or equivalent foreign degree) in Neuroscience, Physics, Biophysics, Bioengineering, Computer Science, Computational Neuroscience, or another related discipline.



As soon as possible after initial review of the applications. Ph.D. must be in hand at time of the initial appointment.


Maximum Duration of Service in a Postdoctoral Title: Postdoctoral Scholar appointments are full-time and the initial appointment is for a minimum of two years, with the possibility of reappointment. The total duration of an individual’s postdoctoral service may not exceed five years, including postdoctoral service at any institution.


All documents and materials must be submitted as PDFs and should be forwarded to Professor David Feldheim (


§  Letter of application that briefly summarizes your qualifications and interest in the position (required)

§  Curriculum vitae (required)



Full consideration will be given to applications completed by [2 months after initial posting]. Applications received after this date will be considered only if the position has not been filled.

Fall 2024- Yufei gets her PhD! Dinner at El Palomar

Winter 2024 - celebrating the Chinese New Year!

A happy lab at the MCD Holiday Mixer, 2023

Fall 2023 - Sadaf defended her thesis! Congratulations!!

Winter 2022 - celebrating Chinese New Year!

Summer 2021  - Hot pot party!

Summer 2020
Special Shelter-in-place birthday celebration for Yufei!

Summer 2019
Sadaf has passed her 2nd year exam. Congrats Sadaf!

Sadaf's 2019 summer interns: Christy and Valerie.

Celebrating Dave's birthday!

December 2019 - Feldheim lab pool party!

October 2019 - Celebrating Jena's birthday!

December 2017 - Neuroscience Labs Holiday Beach Party
The Feldheim lab continues their winning streak at Jenga!

June 2017 - Andreea's Graduation

 Andreea completed her doctoral work in our lab and is now settled in the Seattle area. Congrats Andreea!

Winter 2016 - Lab ski trip
The Feldheim and Sher labs had a blast in Tahoe enjoying
some winter sports, complete with game night at the cabin.

An ending, an a new beginning for postdocs Kiely and Neal
It is time for both our postdocs, Kiely and Neal, to wrap up their projects and say goodbye to the Feldheim lab. 

They both brought much to our lab, and they will be missed! Don't forget to keep in touch!

Kiely (right) and Andreea at the CIRM stem cell conference 2015

Neal (2nd from left) with the Feldheim and
Sher labs - dinner at Burger.

Sept. 10th - Happy birthday Dave!

The neuro labs secretly got together to surprise Dave for his 50th birthday. 

The party was complete with a margarita bar and cake with a mouse drawn on it!

Congrats Arash on graduating and getting a postdoc!

We had a great night at Bocce's Cellar celebrating the holidays and Arash's new postdoc position at UC Davis. 

Here are pictures (because we all know, pics or it didn't happen).